Friday, May 15, 2009

Three from the fault

Several tracks have popped up on my media player this week that have become instant favorites. All of them are months old.

One of the big perks of writing a music blog is that artists and publicists send tons of free music—so much that I can’t keep up with it. But I suppose one of the downsides is that a lot slips through the cracks. Beyond that, I end up perusing so much of what I get for free that I often overlook or forget about the stuff I’ve paid for. So it’s time to clean out the archives a bit.

Piggy & Cups

I recall liking the Alligators as soon as I clicked the link in my inbox, and I downloaded the album right away, and then never listened to it. Which is a shame, because their sound (somewhere between Pomegranates and Fleet Foxes, perhaps?) is perfect for these sunny spring days like today. Fortunately, I imagine it will suit the summer even more.

Alligators – “Mama, Stop”

Golden Bear

I don’t even remember receiving or downloading Golden Bear’s Everest, though I see I got the e-mail awhile ago. But “Night Lights” came on as I was walking across the Smithfield Street Bridge a few nights ago and rocked me. I followed that up with “Future Blues,” and then the rest of the record, and thoroughly dug it all, as a fella says. Great EP. Give it a listen.

Golden Bear – “Future Blues”

Justin Townes Earle
Midnight at the Movies

I’ve long been a Steve Earle fan, so of course I was going to give his kid a shot when he released his first record, Yuma, a few years ago. I recall not being that into it, but I bought his latest, Midnight at the Movies, anyway. Then forgot about it. So here, long after the hype has settled and Earle has passed through Pittsburgh, I’m offering my hearty endorsement. As if it matters. (At least Dad’s show is on my calendar for July.) Here’s the title track. You might save this one for a late night drive on a lonesome road. Or something like that.

Justin Townes Earle – “Midnight at the Movies”

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