Saturday, May 30, 2009

Today is a Saturday

Should I buy a baker's bread
or re-write words that Witkó said?

I could make the dough myself
or stack old tomes upon a shelf
or plant some trees across the land
with seeds thrown from my leftern hand
while waving with my right appendage
to folks from Folsom up to Grenwich.

Or maybe I could build some desks
for men who like to produce texts
of legalese and legal lies
on furniture mahogonized.

I'll chop the trees I've sown and soaked
and saw down cherries, maples, oaks,
and sycamores, but not the pears,
for those give shade to iron chairs
and reddish stones and bluish tiles
which recently have traveled miles
from Mexico to patio
though I still need to set them so
with mortar and some elbow grease
but I might rather speak my peace:

I'll kick back in an old lawn chair
and grow my ‘stache and cut my hair
and read of Crocketts, Bills, and Boones.

Or maybe I’ll just jam some tunes.

Gaston Rubio y Los Cinco Ases – “Conejo Blanco”
I have no idea who this is or where I got it but it rocks – “Cumbias y Gaitas de Colombia”
Jason Lytle – “Dance of the Inhabitants of the Palace of King Phillip XIV of Spain” (John Fahey cover)

EDIT: Muchas gracias to Tio Nickel for dropping some knowledge on us regarding the second track: The "Cumbias y Gaitas de Colombia" is actually "Ocaso Marino" by Los Satélites.

1 comment:

Tio Nickel said...

The "Cumbias y Gaitas de Colombia" is actually "Ocaso Marino" by Los Satélites. You probably got it from a blog named Waxidermy. The fact that you think it rocks shows that you have exceedingly good taste. Well done!