Thursday, November 19, 2009

Concert Preview: The Wiyos

Reader and friend of the show JP turned us on to the Low Anthem a bit ahead of the curve. That's about all he's done, but it's a decent track record.

Another band he's been touting since seeing them in February is the Wiyos. They're not your standard Brooklynites, though they call that hipster haven home. He describes them as "a rollicking, vaudevillian good time" and that seems to be in line with the general consensus around the net. So we're taking his advice ("we" being either the royal we or perhaps including Henry, who has all but quit the blog).

Fresh off a stint opening for this summer's Dylan/Nelson tour, the Wiyos roll into Calliope's new 150-capacity venue at the Pittsburgh Center for the Arts tonight. Just look for the big yellow building on the corner of 5th and Shady.

For the record, I've never seen a band with a washboard and kazoo that I didn't like. I expect tonight will only solidify that streak.

The Wiyos - "Promenade"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So much anger in today's post. I'm sorry, but I exhausted all of my creativity in my Low Anthem write-up.

In any event, I guarantee a good time tonight. I'll buy you a beer after the show if you disagree...