Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Black Moth Super Rainbow: a) rock; and b) release new track

I'll go ahead and confess that I'd never heard Black Moth Super Rainbow before yesterday, when My Old Kentucky Blog posted their new track, "Born on a Day the Sun Didn't Rise." I gave it a listen, downloaded it, and could not get it out of my head throughout the Pens game last night (which was awesome). This song is seriously sick.

Turns out they're from around Pittsburgh.

Turns out they have a new full-length, Eating Us, out May 26.

Turns out they're playing the Spring Carnival this weekend. Learn all about them on Wikipedia, download some old tracks on their website, friend them or whatever on MySpace, and check them out at CMU on Saturday.

I am still jamming this song in my office right now, staring out the window at partly sunny skies, thinking about going for a sandwich and jamming it on the old headphones for a while.

Black Moth Super Rainbow - "Born On a Day the Sun Didn't Rise" (Mediafire link)
Black Moth Super Rainbow - "Eating Us medley" (right-click, "save target as")

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